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Passionately and lovingly making disciples; Following Jesus and sharing Christ with all people.

Westwood Baptist Our Pastor, Ministerial Staff, Diaconate, Church Officials and Members of Westwood Baptist Church would like to invite you to experience or volunteer as witnesses to the call on the life of these dedicated servants.

We journey together in Worship, the study of The Holy Bible and Christian Fellowship to show yourselves approved of GOD under the guidance of Pastor Rev. Michael Lomax; and to gather the support and love of the Richmond Virginia Community through Christian Ministry and Service.

Please plan and join us as we Rise in this journey and celebration in the lives of GOD’s servants at “TheWOODRVA”!

Deacon Ministry
Deaconess Ministry
Trustee Ministry
Culinary Ministry
Publicity Ministry
Transportation Ministry
Pastor’s Aid Ministry
Education/Scholarship Ministry
Media Ministry
Women’s Ministry
Men on Fire Ministry
Praise Dance Ministry
Health and Wellness Ministry
Twilighters Ministry

Young Adult Ministry
Youth Ministry
Martha E. Woodson Missionary Ministry
Tutorial Ministry
Discipleship Ministry
Children’s Church Ministry
Sunday Nursery Ministry
The Ministry of Music
– Combined Choir
– Andrew H. Coles, Jr. Male Chorus
– Youth and Young Adult Choir
Ushers’ Ministry
– Ladies Auxiliary
– The Male Ushers
– The Youth Ushers


Deacons Ministry

Deacon Ministry

Media Ministry

To assist other worship and outreach ministries, the ministerialstaff, choirs, musicians and the congregation of our church by providing the best quality sound re-enforcement wherever needed.Ministry meets as needed.

Deaconess Ministry

Trustee Ministry

Trustee Ministry

Young Adult Ministry

Young Adult Ministry

Publicity Ministry

To provide a tool to support all WBC ministries. We are responsible for the placing of all print media, radio ad placement, creation of monthly bulletins, coordinating maintenance of the website and content, we monitor bulletin boards, keeper of official logo, and reviewing all paraphernalia publicizing the name Westwood Baptist Church. The ministry meets as needed.

Greeters' Ministry

To have a long term impact on Disciplesof Christ and visitors since first impression is more about the emotional and relational experiences that a person has with our congregation. Greeters serve during all activities at WBC.Ministry meets as needed.

Culinary Ministry

This committee is responsible for formulating and recommending to the church policies for the use of the kitchen and for communicating these policies to church members.

Womens Ministry

To provide a safe place for the community of women at Westwood to express and experience fellowship, love, unity and spiritual growth.The ministry meets on the third Saturday at 9 a.m.

Descipleship Ministry

This ministry introduces the new congregant to the life of the church. Classes addressing salvation, stewardship, spiritual gifts and Baptist doctrines are taught to the new members.

Evangelism Ministry

To have a long term impact on Disciplesof Christ and visitors since first impression is more about the emotional and relational experiences that a person has with our congregation. Greeters serve during all activities at WBC.Ministry meets as needed.

History Committee

This committee shall be responsible for recording and reporting historical events in the life of the church. The committee will also be responsible for preserving the artifacts, pictures, and literary works of the church.

Nursery Ministry

This committee is responsible for the care of the nursery. The committee will coordinate all learning activities for the children in the nursery.

Education/Scholarship Ministry

This Committee is responsible for presenting awards to graduating students of the church for their academic accomplishments. Those pursing higher education will receive a scholarship. This committee is also responsible for promoting educational concerns in our church and for the investment of scholarship funds.

Health and Wellness Ministry

To educate, promote better life style choices continue to improve our bodies in order to serve the church and communities.This committee is to be on duty during worship services to offer first aid assistance to the congregation. The committee will promote preventive and educational health programs.The ministry meets on the third Saturday at 10 a.m.

Youth Ministry Fellowship

The Youth Fellowship is an organization for all youth to grow spiritually as they develop leadership and organizational skills through revivals, workshops, lock-ins and other activities. Parents and volunteers serve as advisors and are instrumental in our youth’s development.The ministry meets at 12:30 p.m. every third Saturday.

Transportation Ministry

This committee is responsible for providing transportation needs to assist in our outreach ministries.

Christian Education

Aligning with the commission given by Jesus Christ to His disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), we endeavor to make disciples of all people, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, an teaching them to live, to give and to love in obedience to God’s command, as demonstrated by Jesus Christ. We also strive, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to provide relevant ministries designed to empower, equip and edify the body of Christ and o meet the needs of the community at large.Ministry meet third Saturday at 11 a.m.

Childrens Ministry

To build children up in the faith by teaching them to know God’s love and to practice God’s love in the world around them.This ministry provides church in a relevant way for children ages 5 –12. This ministry will prepare the children for prayer, praise and worship in the church through biblical lessons taught by the instructors.Children’s Church ministry meetings are held at 7 p.m. every first Tuesday.Children’s ministry meet every third Saturday at 10 a.m

Music Ministry

  • A.H. Coles Male Chorus ~ the ministry meets for rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. third Monday and Wednesday.
  • Anointed Radical Mighty Youth ~ the ministry meets at 10 a.m. for rehearsal on the second and third Saturday
  • United Voices of Westwood ~ the ministry meets at 7:30 p.m.for rehearsal on Mondays and Wednesdays.

PR Ministry

To provide a tool to support all WBC ministries. We are responsible for the placing of all print media, radio ad placement, creation of monthly bulletins, coordinating maintenance of the website and content, we monitor bulletin boards, keeper of official logo, and reviewing all paraphernalia publicizing the name Westwood Baptist Church. The ministry meets as needed.